The Transformers: The Movie Part 1: Childhood-Mudercon

Shocked & Applaud
Shocked & Applaud
The Transformers: The Movie Part 1: Childhood-Mudercon

Just in time for Valentine's Day, let's show our 80's love with one of Jen's favorite animated films (and Naomi's loving pick of the month): "The Transformers: The Movie"! And what's this?! Sean of Sean Facts — a childhood toy owner of some of the classics — joins us for his hot takes on this feature film that left kids crying in the aisles and parents' pocketbooks pried open for another round of toys.

We'll discuss how we came to this movie, have some in-person Sean-Facting, and start our plot walkthrough that will take us all the way through February.

Roll out! Chicachoowahwahwickchoochoo.

Jen's Recommendations This Week:

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